After four years of using our dining room as our learning space, we finally have our very own school room. This may not seem like a big deal to some, but to this mama it's HUGE!
I've had dreams of this space for so long now that it hardly seems real. We start our new school year this week, and I can hardly wait!
My three little students are equally as excited about their new room, and I overheard them saying "I can't wait to start school! It's only three more days away!".
That's a win!
Since I had been using our dining room furniture in our previous learning space, I had to start from scratch with this room. Thank you IKEA for having so many wonderful pieces at such reasonable prices! I braved the IKEA shopping trip on my own, and was quite a spectacle trying to juggle three carts through the self-serve area.
The main pieces of furniture were from IKEA, and the other little decor details were mostly from Home Sense (my all-time favourite spot). The letter board (which I absolutely love) was purchased on Amazon here.
Our nature table is actually our old diaper change table, and it works perfectly for housing the larger Montessori learning materials and STEM building sets, etc. I love that it's all out in the open, inviting the kids to use it.
For our large table, I actually used two small IKEA table tops (and the corresponding legs). I attached them using white zap straps around the legs to keep the two tables from sliding apart.
The little blue IKEA cart was in our school area previously, and it works perfectly as an art cart. I love that it can be moved around as needed.
The small bookshelf behind my chair is for my own use, and holds my journals, books, day planner, and planner supplies/stickers (yes, I'm a total Happy Planner geek!). I've tried several different planners over the years, and the Happy Planner is most definitely my fave. (And no, they aren't paying me to say that 😉).
I think this is my new favourite room in the house! I'm so looking forward to many, many days of learning with my boys here. This homeschool journey is not without its challenges, and certainly not for everyone, but I feel so lucky to be able to do it. I can't believe this will be our fifth year of school at home! I blinked, and my big boy is in grade five!
This year is going to be a good one. I can just feel it.
Love this so much it all goes together so well. Beautiful space ❤
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ReplyDelete"Your new homeschool room appears to be a well-organized and motivating study environment! A great way to make learning enjoyable and productive at home.VA Code Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor, An informative examination of Virginia's legal framework regarding adult behaviors that affect or promote delinquent behavior in juveniles may be found on the "VA Code Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor" blog. It emphasizes how crucial legal accountability is in shielding children from negative influences.