Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Toby goes to Kindergarten!

Today was a very big day.

It was the FIRST "First Day of School" in this house.

Our "big boy" Toby has never really been to preschool, so this was it. :)
And he was so, SO excited!!

This is our sensitive little man. Very shy in new situations, and a total goofball once he's comfortable in his surroundings/company. He stands back and takes everything in. He also has the most contagious giggle and a great sense of humour.

How can this little pumpkin be heading off to school all day??

Toby at 6 months

Finny just had to jump into the picture :)

Classic Finny.

Soooo many hugs!

We set the camera on the hood of the Land Rover and used the timer for this shot. Not our best ;)

But hey....we'll take what we can get!

This picture makes me so happy when I look at it :) My two fuzzy-headed little boys.
 (and possibly one more in the belly) ;)

Standing in front of the Kindergarten door.

It's hard to believe, but this is the exact same door that I went to Kindergarten in....as did my brother and sister! So funny how life works out sometimes :)

Toby is in French Immersion, and is so excited to learn how to speak french!

Checking out the blocks with Dada.

Colouring his first Kindergarten "project"....which was a picture of him.

It was then hung out in the school hallway.....each little person as part of the big classroom "puzzle" :)

Toby's is the bottom right.

He decided that he should be like Superman.

So pleased with himself, heading home again.

They do a very gradual entry, so he only went for an hour today...and the same tomorrow. (Except...tomorrow he will go all by himself!!)

How time flies.....

So proud of my big boy today!

HUGS to all of you other mommas who are sending your own little ones off to Kindergarten today!!



  1. I really enjoyed the photos - and special memory - you've shared with us Tracey :-)
    Kindergarten was a long time a go for my boy!! LOL!

  2. Those photos are so sweet! You have such a beautiful family.


  3. ahhhh so many memories! brings a lil tear to my eye
    ps did i say congrats on another bebe? sooo exciting!

  4. Happiness is the best word to describe this moment.


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