Monday, August 29, 2011

A day at the Fair......again.....

We braved the PNE (Pacific National's kind of a big deal around here;)

And, if only for the sheer glee expressed by one little four year old boy, it was worth it.

It was crazy an almost claustrophobic way, but I guess that adds to the whole experience :)

I love some of the old "vintage" rides....

Little Finn wasn't quite as gleeful as big brother, but he enjoyed himself none the less. It was a case of serious over-stimulation for the little man.

The animals (especially the baby chicks) were a big hit! "BITE MY FINGER, CHICKY....Bite my FINGER!" why on earth would you want it to do that?? ;)

Two seconds later..."OUCHHHH....that HURT, Chicky!!"

There was an "extreme sports" show with dirtbikes and ATV's jumping in the air. Needless to say, this was also a hit!


Super exhausting, super fun evening at the fair!


  1. I remember you're mom coming over to invite me to the PNE and i was so mad at the adults spelling it out- i thought it was something terrble like B-E-D. but off we went in the wood panelled station wagon in the rain hehe looks like fun!

  2. hee hee!!! love it all!! the photos of the old swings are gorge!! love the photo of tobes clapping and one pic of finny is sooooo fraser!!! gavie saw the vid of the boys on fb today and asked to go to toby's house! chst soon!


Thank you so much for your comments! I love reading every single one :)