Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Still loving black and white stripes on the patio...

I've been itching....and I mean ITCHING to get our back deck/patio set up!!

I don't know what is up with this year, but the warm weather has been taking its time coming.

It's still not that warm, but the sun has been peeking through a lot more lately, and I figured that today was the day....

time to break out the patio furniture...

and cushions....

and new rug :)

I bought some black and white striped cushions last year from IKEA, and loved them so much that I bought some more (slightly thinner striped ones this year) about a month ago. 

I love the bold pop of pattern against my hideously bland deck. :)

Add a chubby pink hydrangea, and a distressed wooden lantern that I found on clearance of Sears (of all places!) for $6, and you're set!

Oh...and those cute little "lacy" metal pots of from IKEA....a whopping $3 or something, if I remember correctly :)

This mirror used to hang in our downstairs bathroom before we started the reno, and I kind of thought it would add a little interest to a very boring rock-stucco wall. And somehow.....it manages to make the space look a little bigger!

I picked up this Martha Stewart rug at Home Depot last week, and I'm loving it! Best part....all you have to do is hose it off when it gets dirty. (I say "when" and not "if" because with two little boys around, you know it's going to be smeared with play dough and popsicles) 

I painted my little striped table  pink, to add a pop of colour that will last longer than the hydrangea blooms.....it was in rough shape since it had been left out all winter by mistake, and needed some love :(

All in all, I'm pleased to have a new "room"....and the boys are loving it too. Finny loved it so much that he went as far as to lie down and roll around on the rug, while saying "niiiiice....niiiiiice" :)

Now all we need is a new umbrella, and some HOT WEATHER!

Bring it on. Seriously.

I promise to never complain about the heat this summer. ever. not even once.

Sharing my patio at Funky Junk's Patio party

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A new Pink Abstract painting for our living room

Toby and I did a little "project" today....

We've been waiting for a beautiful sunny day like today for so long...

and once we got little Finn to down for his nap, we whipped out our paintbrushes and got to work!

There's just nothing quite like painting in the sunshine. 

It's my "happy place" :)

And I couldn't be happier with the results! The look on Toby's face when he saw that I'd given our "masterpiece" pride of place on the living room mantel was priceless! :)

He was so cute, working away at the painting, all down to business in his painting jeans. I wish I'd taken a picture, but sadly, I was just having too much fun.

It's the perfect pop of colour that I've been craving. 

I decided to try it standing up "tall" on the mantel....but I'm not sure if it looks grand, or weird. What do you think? Should I turn it over onto its side? I sort of like how it makes the ceiling appear higher.

Just look at all his cute little swirls and splatters :)

Love it!

And to add even more delight to our day.....we discovered a cute little chubby mama robin has made her nest under our deck. 

And look what we found when we peeked inside....!

Aren't they so beautiful? We were careful not to touch, or get mama robin too scared....and she's back on her little nest right now :)

Toby said "Mom...how did she know that there was a dragon at this house, that will help her protect her eggs?...I'm so glad that she chose our house instead of the neighbour's"

He said that first thing tomorrow morning, he's going to go and listen to see if he can hear any baby birdies. Or any tapping on the eggs, from the deck above ;)

These little "muffins" (as they're often referred to as) are the source of so much fun, and just about as much exhaustion. They are full of life and beans and craziness. 

Here they are wearing their hockey gear....in the spirit of the playoffs :)

I hope you've all had a wonderful day!

I know we did :)


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Wedding Favors.....(up to my ears in the them!)

It must be wedding season!...

...because Giggle Sweets is in full wedding favor production mode....little salted caramel bars are being packaged up and prettied up and shipped out by the hundreds (literally).

I LOVE weddings! I love all the little details that are part of a wedding. 

And don't you think there's something so nice about being a wedding guest, and finding a special little package waiting on your plate for you?

I'm working on a beautiful navy blue and pink order right now, and the colour combination is just so gorgeous! 

There are just so many beautiful wedding ideas out there....not that I'm ever planning on having another wedding! It's just fun to look anyways.....since I'm in the "business" and all ;)

*sigh*....vintage ties and pink peonies....what a combo! :)

Aren't navy blue and pink just so stunning together?

And look at this beautiful vintage table setting. *sigh*

It makes me want to throw a garden party...twinkling mason jar lanterns and all :)

Isn't this soft pink wedding so dreamy?

And this one looks so fun! Love love LOVE the pink gradient cake!

I'm such a sucker for anything rustic, and this beautiful wedding nailed the rustic vibe!

And seriously.....just look at that pink ruffle cake! Oh my! 

Who could resist a pink peony bouquet with a "tutu"? :) Love it!

I'm such a sucker for pink.....it's my happy colour :)

Just look at those hanging bouquets!

And brown paper....what is it about brown kraft paper that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy?

More brown paper.....filled to the brim with cherries! 

well...that was fun!

Ok...now....back to work....:)


Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day and a Shabby Apple Dress WINNER!

I hope that all of you wonderful Mommas out there had a great Mother's Day!!

I feel so lucky to be a mom :)

Not saying that it's easy or anything ;) 
And I honestly feel somewhat burnt out most days....but I wouldn't trade it for the world. 

I love my boys. I love being their mom. I love the cute little things they say that seriously melt me. I love the snuggles and kisses and hugs. I love how they're becoming genuinely good friends to each other. I love how they sneak into our bed at night and snuggle up on either side if me. I love how everything is so exciting and new to them. I love how they trust me so completely. I love how they think that their Dada is the strongest man in the whole world. And even though it's completely exhausting sometimes, I love how they need me.

Oh how I could go on......

Sometimes I feel so completely under qualified to be their mom. Like I'm going to mess it all up. But I'm so glad that I have such a great mom of my own, who taught me so much about being a mom myself :)

I feel so lucky to have the mom that I have. She's the most amazing, loving, caring, selfless mom in the world.  I want to be more like her in every way. 

and if you're reading this...
I love you, Mom. :)

pictures in collage are all from pinterest.com

Aren't these animal mommas so cute? I love how there's so much about being a mother that just simply comes with instinct. All the important stuff does, anyways :)

So....now you're wondering about the lucky Shabby Apple winner.....

The one who will be looking so lovely in this beautiful "Marseilles" dress....

The winner is April!!! (check out her blog...A.Liz Adventures!)

Congrats April!! 


Monday, May 2, 2011

A Shabby Apple Spring Dress Giveaway!!

Have you been introduced to Shabby Apple?  (a fabulous online store choc-full of beautiful women's dresses)

If not, then I think you'd better take a little peek.

What girl doesn't need a little dress or two, or four......

.....especially when the nice warm spring weather puts you in the mood to frolic in a field of tulips....

or y'know.....something equally as girly ;)

There is just something about putting on a cute little dress that makes you feel fabulous! It really does.

Especially a beautiful, elegant "French-inspired" summer dress like this one!

The "Marseilles" dress....

Isn't it gorgeous?

And the best part......one of you lucky ladies gets to win it!!!!

Now you've got me dreaming of France again....and seriously.....I want to go NOW!

All of the on-location photos on the Shabby Apple site make me want to go on a vacation!

I think a new dress would be a perfect compromise ;)

AND...."My House of Giggles" lucky readers get 10% off everything at Shabby Apple for the 
next 30 days!

Just enter "myhouseofgiggles10off" for the coupon code.

ok....so......the details...

To win the beautiful blue striped "Marseilles" dress just leave a comment below.

For an extra entry head over to Shabby Apple's Facebook page and give them a "like" ;) 

(So sorry, but this giveaway is only open to those of you with a US address, and the dress will be a final sale.)

Winner will be chosen on Saturday May 7th, 2011

Good Luck!!