It started off like this...
I had a picture in my head of the perfect "beach chair" striped material and headed off to our local fabric store to take a look. Nothing. Not even anything remotely like what I was looking for! SO I left empty-handed and headed to the mall (Toby's request.....yes...I little boy likes going to the mall! hehe) As we were leaving Old Navy (needed some onesies for Finny), I spotted this shirt........PERFECT! No....not for Dustin or my dad, or anyone to wear........the perfect stripe for my little bench seat!!!! And at $12, it was cheaper than most of the fabric I was looking at!

So....I chopped the back out of the shirt and cut a piece out of an old white towel to add a little extra padding/strength, and went to work with my staple gun...
Next step.....white paint. My old standby. I dug around some paint cans in the garage and found a bright white semi-gloss latex.....just what I was looking for! For this type of "spindly" job, I always find it's easiest to use those little foam brushes. You know....the kind you find at the dollar store for really cheap. They just seem to get in all the cracks much better than a regular paint brush, and there's no clean-up because they're pretty much disposable.
And here it is........a new lease on life.....looking ever so cute... and perfect for my front entry!

And you wonder why I never get anything done!......this is what was going on while I was trying to take these pictures....:)......A crazy horn-tootin', crazy-dancin' (his term), grubby-shirted toddler was all up in my business! As always. ........but I love it ;)

Total price: $15 :)
Sharing at Poppies at Play, Domestically Speaking, , Me and My Bucket, My Backyard Eden, Reinvented, The Girl Creative, It's so very Cheri, A Soft Place to Land, Just a Girl, Silly Little Sparrow, Faded Charm, We did it! Wednesday, Lucky Linky Tuesday, Penny Pinching Tuesday, Life as Lori, Somewhat Simple, Blue Cricket Design, Bobby Pins Boardwalk, Creations by Kara, Today's Creative Blog, The Shabby Chic Cottage, Beyond the Picket Fence, Women Who Do It All, Thrifty Thursday, Thursday's Treasures, Frugalicious Friday, Furniture Feature Friday, Show and Tell Friday, Fingerprints on the Fridge, Shabby Nest's Frugal Friday, Funky Junk, Tatertots and Jello
Sharing at Poppies at Play, Domestically Speaking, , Me and My Bucket, My Backyard Eden, Reinvented, The Girl Creative, It's so very Cheri, A Soft Place to Land, Just a Girl, Silly Little Sparrow, Faded Charm, We did it! Wednesday, Lucky Linky Tuesday, Penny Pinching Tuesday, Life as Lori, Somewhat Simple, Blue Cricket Design, Bobby Pins Boardwalk, Creations by Kara, Today's Creative Blog, The Shabby Chic Cottage, Beyond the Picket Fence, Women Who Do It All, Thrifty Thursday, Thursday's Treasures, Frugalicious Friday, Furniture Feature Friday, Show and Tell Friday, Fingerprints on the Fridge, Shabby Nest's Frugal Friday, Funky Junk, Tatertots and Jello