So...I dug out my trusty hot glue gun, some twine, and a handful of clothes pegs and got started! I had some little black wooden birds that I'd found in the "as is" section at IKEA a few months ago, so I decided to add them in as well. You know me and birds! ;)

I wasn't sure where to hang my new memo board...I found out that I didn't have as much empty wall space as I thought I did! Then I found the perfect place. At least, I think so. I HATE this door in my kitchen. It's hideous. Now it has a little distraction from its ugliness. The frame fit perfectly over my window. I think it was meant to be there all along. :)

Linked up at Beyond the Picket Fence, Tater Tots and Jello, Funky Junk Shabby Nest, Twice Remembered, That's so Cuegly